Sunday 7 May 2017

Evaluation Question 7

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

(This was originally in the form of a text document however there is little difference made when I transferred it to here)

Image result for photoshop iconImage result for canon camera

From my Pre Lim task, I think I have further improved my knowledge of Photoshop and camera technology, as before we started this project I knew a lot less about cameras and Photo editing software than I do now. I also feel as though I have an improved knowledge on what models to use for the covers and images in my magazines and that I have a further understanding on what exactly makes a cover, double page spread and contents page look good. I have a further understanding of what colours fit certain genres of magazines too. I have further knowledge on how to do certain Photoshop features such as using the Magic Wand and Select tool (although I didn't use this feature, I learned how to do it in case I did).

In my Pre Lim task, I appear to have a lack of understanding on what text fonts and what colours would look effective, the transparency levels on the shapes of red and yellow that I used also make it look to be of poor quality, but I corrected these mistakes when it came to making my main magazine. I also learned more about how text columns are presented, especially in the case of the double page spread. Another thing I learned was how much text usually is required to be on the front of a magazine in order to make it look appealing to readers.

I also improved my knowledge on lighting and Mise-En-Scene from my Pre Lim to making my magazine, as when I made my Pre Lim School Magazine I knew I just had to set the photos in a place that was fairly bright and looked like a place of education; I had to think more deeply about my music magazine as I could have set it anywhere and tried out different lighting and filters for the image.

Friday 5 May 2017

Evaluation Question 6

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

Answered in the form of a Prezi which is here.