Wednesday 3 May 2017

Evaluation Question 4

"Who would be the audience for your media product?"

(I answered this in a word document but just copied it here as there isn't any differences uploading it as a regular blog)

-          This is Mariana Adams, she is 17 years old, and lives in the middle of Liverpool.
-          She dresses fairly straight forwardly but has her own sort of twist on it, as she usually wears black or something of a similar nature.
-          She enjoys shopping and going to the cinema with friends, she enjoys night-time and mainly goes out with friends when it’s evening.
-          She shops at Hot Topic, and likes to shop online on places such as Amazon, she’s never been a big fan of clothes and clothes shopping, however.
-          She enjoys horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street, the Scream and Jaw trilogy, she also likes Donnie Darko and Tim Burton movies, but she also enjoys some superhero and action movies like the Avengers, she mainly streams the online via services like Netflix.
-          She mainly uses her phone to go online but she also has a computer that she occasionally plays horror games on, she uses Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but mainly uses Instagram and only follows friends. She also uses Tumblr and mainly reblogs/posts photography and artwork.
-          She enjoys watching TV shows like American Horror Story, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Release the Hounds
-          She mainly watches TV shows online or via some service such as Hulu, and rarely watches TV directly off it, but she mainly watches TV on channels that show horror films.
-          Mariana mainly listens to music that strays away from the norm, such as more punk, rock or alternative music, occasionally pop punk however. She’s a big fan of Black Veil Brides, Three Days Grace, and also enjoys Skillet.
-          The magazine I have created would be enjoyable to this girl as she is a fan of alternative music and rock music and similar kinds of music.

-          This is Arthur Clark, Arthur lives just outside of Liverpool.
-          Similarly to Mariana, he dresses quite casually but usually in darker colours, occasionally he’ll wear merch off a band or singer that he enjoys. His clothing is usually baggy
-          He can play the drums, and wants to be in a popular band when he’s older, he currently is in a band with his friends and greatly enjoys music.
-          He shops at normal highstreet shops like Primark, but also shops a lot online as most merchandise cannot be found in highstreet stores.
-          He enjoys horror films but also likes darker animated films or and the like like Coraline, Monster House, Paranorman or something similar, he also likes action movies and likes superhero movies such as The Dark Knight, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Suicide Squad
-          He primarily uses a tablet and phone to go online and records music and edits it on his PC, he plays games on his PC and is on several social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram, however he doesn’t use them much except to follow band members. He does use Tumblr though and occasionally reblogs things he likes
-          He enjoys TV shows such as Supernatural, Bates Motel and Stranger Things
-          He also mainly streams TV online and rarely watches the TV directly, he streams online on services such as Netflix
-          He really enjoys rock, punk, gothic and metal music and enjoys bands such as The All-American Rejects, All Time Low, and Evanescence.
-          The magazine I have created would be enjoyable to this boy as he greatly enjoys the type of music it markets.

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