Friday 14 October 2016

Chosen Pre Lim Photograph

I have chosen this photograph to use for my Pre Lim task. I've decided to use this as I like the way I've applied the Rule Of Thirds to the photo and I like the lighting and the background, and I also enjoy the facial expression used here.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Pre Lim Ideas

I decided to use the school's colours as the primary theme on the pre lim, which fits the usual conventions of a school magazine. The main image is going to be positive with a happy student in order to make the school look the same.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Pre Lim Photograph Task

I like this photo as I like the use of props and the setting

I like these two photographs as the background can be easily cropped out.
I like this photo as I like the actor's expression and the shot

I like these photographs again due to the props

Organisation Of Resources (e.g Cameras - Props.)

I'm not using many props in my photographs, as I've decided I mainly want to take them with no background. However, I've decided in some shots that I'm going to take images in the library with a book (or books) as the props as it'd suit the image for a school magazine, as books could provide the theme of education.

As for the camera, I'm borrowing a Canon digital camera off the school that I can use for around 2 hours. It looks similar to the image above, and is a Canon SLR Camera.

Location Hunting

For my Pre Lim task photographs I plan to take photos near a blank wall so the background is fairly easily cropped out. There's an area near the hall that I think would look particularly good as the lighting seems fine - not too blinding and not too dark. I also have decided to maybe try a new idea away from a blank wall - perhaps in the library where there's plenty of books we can use to pose with to push forward the theme of education. I'm going to try and find a fairly bright environment to try and make the picture look clear. I'm using a medium close up shot, and I am trying to make the shot focus on my actor as much as possible without too much in the background, or I will take it in a way that the background can add to the image.

Organisation Of Actors

I've decided to use one of my classmates as the model in my photograph; she's in sixth form and a student, and dressed in smart clothing for the occasion. I've decided against using many actors because I feel as though it'd make the photograph look to crowded, and I feel as though it'd help to create a minimalistic sort of style if less people are used.

Permissions Slip

I gave this permissions slip to the actor I am using to get permission to use her image for the task.