Monday 28 November 2016

Location Hunting For Music Magazine

Decided to try and shoot the photos near the stairs leading up to the indoor gym/tennis court and on the stairs leading up to Miss Martin's business room. Near a white wall I found by the hall would be good if I decide to crop out the background.

Why I Picked My Locations

I picked this location as I figured the dim background would suit the style of the magazine that I'm going for, as dark aesthetics and colours I think work well in a alternative/rock/punk magazine, some white backgrounds I am going for are good as it draws attention to the main model in the image

Props For Music Magazine

Looks like this
I decided not to use many props as I don't think too many would be overkill, I made my subject bring in a guitar that he plays, seeing as it's alternative I thought it may fit the look.

Friday 25 November 2016

Photoshoot Ideas

Possibly going out in the near future to take shots with the model against a brick wall and a blank background due to two ideas being in mind.
I've planned for the model to dress a certain way, I wanted him to wear a type of grey shirt and a black duffle coat that I think would suit the shot, the faded clothing I think would fit the style.
Coat looks similar to this.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Style Models For Music Magazine

I have decided my primary style models are going to be Kerrang! and Mojo, as I personally enjoy the style of both of them and think they are befitting of the type of magazine I am going for, Kerrang is mainly based on punk music and the like whereas Mojo covers a range of music however it often does genres other than pop or genres that stick to a norm, although I will use conventions and styles off other music magazines that are befitting of the genre and style if I see any that are good.

Music Magazine Planning

  • Some form of background may be used depending on if I like it - a graffiti wall? Otherwise I may need some form of lighting to capture a similar look to a professional magazine with a white background in order for it to look good
  • Monochrome, not much colour used and if it must be it'll be from a kind of hard colour to make it look sort of punk-y in order to keep in with the style
  • Likely only use one model in frame, so it'll be a solo artist on the front?
  • Am I allowed to name the magazine after a song as long as it is subtle? Maybe I could use a latin name for a type of music or something relating to the magazine?
  • What bands are going to be on the cover? The text?
  • What is the solo artist on the cover going to be called?
  • Probably the cover will be medium closeup shot and the model will be looking away?
  • If a background is going to be used I want to use it from a certain angle, looking at the model from down?
  • Need to think of fictional band/artist names
  • Two page spread will have to have a blank background - be it black with white text or white with black text - I like the idea of the minimalistic alternative punk colourless look???
  • Audience will be towards teenagers and maybe older men?

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Draft Of Contents Page

I've decided to style it in this way as the images spread out look aesthetically pleasing and there is a lot of room for text.