Tuesday 22 November 2016

Music Magazine Planning

  • Some form of background may be used depending on if I like it - a graffiti wall? Otherwise I may need some form of lighting to capture a similar look to a professional magazine with a white background in order for it to look good
  • Monochrome, not much colour used and if it must be it'll be from a kind of hard colour to make it look sort of punk-y in order to keep in with the style
  • Likely only use one model in frame, so it'll be a solo artist on the front?
  • Am I allowed to name the magazine after a song as long as it is subtle? Maybe I could use a latin name for a type of music or something relating to the magazine?
  • What bands are going to be on the cover? The text?
  • What is the solo artist on the cover going to be called?
  • Probably the cover will be medium closeup shot and the model will be looking away?
  • If a background is going to be used I want to use it from a certain angle, looking at the model from down?
  • Need to think of fictional band/artist names
  • Two page spread will have to have a blank background - be it black with white text or white with black text - I like the idea of the minimalistic alternative punk colourless look???
  • Audience will be towards teenagers and maybe older men?

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