Saturday 11 February 2017

Cover Page Update

Update of final cover page, I used a black and white theme with a subtle glitchy theme as a style, and I tried to make it as minimalist as a punk magazine could be (due to the fact most punk/alternative magazines have lots of text and usually very popping features, but I wanted it to look quite dark and colourless as well as a style). I used a lot of text primarily and quite difficult to spot textures over the picture subject that I thought would fit in terms of who the magazine is aimed towards; it's a punk/goth/rock/alternative magazine so I figured the picture frame texture and the glitches worked in terms of a more odd alternative style. The picture subject on the front cover looks like he fits the mood for the magazine as he gives off a alternative rock vibe, especially with the guitar. Most of the text on the page references real life bands and gives quotes from inside the magazine in order to draw the reader's attention, and the bigger bands we want to use to catch the eye are used in a bigger font in order to get the magazine to sell. I also used alternating fonts and things such as small caps to make certain words stick out more, plenty of magazines such as Kerrang and NME do this in order not to make the text look too dull and to grab the reader's attention better.

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