Friday 16 December 2016

Chosen Photo

Choosing this one as I think the background fits and his expression fits it, this is for the cover page

Wednesday 14 December 2016

More Photos For Magazine

All of these could potentially be for the cover, they'll be cropped and editing according to what dimensions I need - images near a white wall have been taken so the background can easily be taken away, and the shots near the stairs give it a gritty industrial feel which may fit a grunge/alternative magazine.

Friday 2 December 2016

Draft Shots For Music Magazine, Focusing On Location

I went out with my model today and took several shots, out of the bunch of shots I'd taken these were the best. Other shots were blurry or out of focus in some way. These photos would be cropped to fit a magazine cover dimension size ordinarily but I've not gotten to that yet. The white background in the second is deliberate as I was planning on cropping it out however I like the 3rd one best due to the dingy, grunge style of it and the flash giving it an odd appeal. In the next images I'll take I'll try to get the model to wear the coat from the previous post and maybe try different poses and angles.

Monday 28 November 2016

Location Hunting For Music Magazine

Decided to try and shoot the photos near the stairs leading up to the indoor gym/tennis court and on the stairs leading up to Miss Martin's business room. Near a white wall I found by the hall would be good if I decide to crop out the background.

Why I Picked My Locations

I picked this location as I figured the dim background would suit the style of the magazine that I'm going for, as dark aesthetics and colours I think work well in a alternative/rock/punk magazine, some white backgrounds I am going for are good as it draws attention to the main model in the image

Props For Music Magazine

Looks like this
I decided not to use many props as I don't think too many would be overkill, I made my subject bring in a guitar that he plays, seeing as it's alternative I thought it may fit the look.

Friday 25 November 2016

Photoshoot Ideas

Possibly going out in the near future to take shots with the model against a brick wall and a blank background due to two ideas being in mind.
I've planned for the model to dress a certain way, I wanted him to wear a type of grey shirt and a black duffle coat that I think would suit the shot, the faded clothing I think would fit the style.
Coat looks similar to this.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Style Models For Music Magazine

I have decided my primary style models are going to be Kerrang! and Mojo, as I personally enjoy the style of both of them and think they are befitting of the type of magazine I am going for, Kerrang is mainly based on punk music and the like whereas Mojo covers a range of music however it often does genres other than pop or genres that stick to a norm, although I will use conventions and styles off other music magazines that are befitting of the genre and style if I see any that are good.

Music Magazine Planning

  • Some form of background may be used depending on if I like it - a graffiti wall? Otherwise I may need some form of lighting to capture a similar look to a professional magazine with a white background in order for it to look good
  • Monochrome, not much colour used and if it must be it'll be from a kind of hard colour to make it look sort of punk-y in order to keep in with the style
  • Likely only use one model in frame, so it'll be a solo artist on the front?
  • Am I allowed to name the magazine after a song as long as it is subtle? Maybe I could use a latin name for a type of music or something relating to the magazine?
  • What bands are going to be on the cover? The text?
  • What is the solo artist on the cover going to be called?
  • Probably the cover will be medium closeup shot and the model will be looking away?
  • If a background is going to be used I want to use it from a certain angle, looking at the model from down?
  • Need to think of fictional band/artist names
  • Two page spread will have to have a blank background - be it black with white text or white with black text - I like the idea of the minimalistic alternative punk colourless look???
  • Audience will be towards teenagers and maybe older men?

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Draft Of Contents Page

I've decided to style it in this way as the images spread out look aesthetically pleasing and there is a lot of room for text.

Friday 14 October 2016

Chosen Pre Lim Photograph

I have chosen this photograph to use for my Pre Lim task. I've decided to use this as I like the way I've applied the Rule Of Thirds to the photo and I like the lighting and the background, and I also enjoy the facial expression used here.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Pre Lim Ideas

I decided to use the school's colours as the primary theme on the pre lim, which fits the usual conventions of a school magazine. The main image is going to be positive with a happy student in order to make the school look the same.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Pre Lim Photograph Task

I like this photo as I like the use of props and the setting

I like these two photographs as the background can be easily cropped out.
I like this photo as I like the actor's expression and the shot

I like these photographs again due to the props

Organisation Of Resources (e.g Cameras - Props.)

I'm not using many props in my photographs, as I've decided I mainly want to take them with no background. However, I've decided in some shots that I'm going to take images in the library with a book (or books) as the props as it'd suit the image for a school magazine, as books could provide the theme of education.

As for the camera, I'm borrowing a Canon digital camera off the school that I can use for around 2 hours. It looks similar to the image above, and is a Canon SLR Camera.

Location Hunting

For my Pre Lim task photographs I plan to take photos near a blank wall so the background is fairly easily cropped out. There's an area near the hall that I think would look particularly good as the lighting seems fine - not too blinding and not too dark. I also have decided to maybe try a new idea away from a blank wall - perhaps in the library where there's plenty of books we can use to pose with to push forward the theme of education. I'm going to try and find a fairly bright environment to try and make the picture look clear. I'm using a medium close up shot, and I am trying to make the shot focus on my actor as much as possible without too much in the background, or I will take it in a way that the background can add to the image.

Organisation Of Actors

I've decided to use one of my classmates as the model in my photograph; she's in sixth form and a student, and dressed in smart clothing for the occasion. I've decided against using many actors because I feel as though it'd make the photograph look to crowded, and I feel as though it'd help to create a minimalistic sort of style if less people are used.

Permissions Slip

I gave this permissions slip to the actor I am using to get permission to use her image for the task.